Insurance Coverages for Plumbers

What Insurance Do I Need as a Plumber?
As a plumber, you are tasked with ensuring the proper functioning of one of society's most valued resources: water. In addition to your expertise and training, having the right insurance coverage is essential to protecting your business. In honor of World Plumbing Day, here's a guide to the different types of insurance available to plumbers, so you can make sure you're properly protected.
General Liability
General Liability Insurance is a standard policy issued to protect businesses from liability claims. It covers premises, operations and products as well as completed work for bodily injury (BI) or property damage ("PD"). General Liability is a very important policy for plumbers to carry as it will protect your business in the case that there are any injuries or property damage that result from your work.
For example: A pipe was fixed incorrectly, falls and breaks something in the bathroom due to the negligence of the plumber. The damages caused by this accident and the legal liability attached to it would be covered by a General Liability policy.
Excess Liability
Excess Liability policies are designed to provide coverage beyond what's included in your underlying liability policy.
Workers’ Compensation
The Workers’ Compensation policy is an insurance policy that provides wage replacement and medical benefits for employees injured in the course of employment. The employee must agree to give up their right against negligence, which means they can't sue you if something goes wrong on your end!
This type of policy is vital for plumbers as it covers the business in the case any of the employed plumbers or other employees suffer an injury while on the job.
Commercial Auto
Have a van or vehicle you use to transport your equipment or get from job site to job site? Then you need a Commercial Auto policy. Commercial Auto insurance is a must for any business that uses and owns vehicles. The coverage protects you from financial losses resulting from liability or physical damage that you or a covered employee may cause to others as well as damages to your own car, truck or van in an accident while it’s being used as part of the company's work transportation network (and not just personal use).
Commercial Property
Commercial Property insurance is a type of coverage that protects the building and business property from the damages they may suffer as a result of a covered peril or theft.
This type of policy is necessary if you have a physical office or storage facility in which you conduct business or store equipment.
Contractors Equipment Floater
The Contractors Equipment Floater is the perfect solution for any business owner who often moves their equipment from place-to-place. This type of policy will cover you in case your plumbing tools get damaged while on the job site or being transported. Plumbers heavily rely on their tools and equipment so it is important that they are protected and able to be replaced if needed.
Find Coverage for Your Business
As a plumber, it’s important to have the right insurance in place to protect your business. Carrying General Liability, Workers’ Compensation, Excess Liability, Commercial Auto, and Commercial Property coverage will help you rest easy knowing that if something goes wrong, you’re covered. And don’t forget about Contractors Equipment Floater insurance – this is essential for protecting your tools and equipment while on the job site. Contact an agent near you today to find out more about these policies and get started securing the coverage your business needs.
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