Organización sin ánimo de lucro

Compensación de trabajadores
Insurance Solutions

What is Nonprofit Organization insurance?

Nonprofit Organization insurance provides targeted coverages like General Liability, Commercial Auto, Umbrella, Nonprofit Directors & Officers, and Sexual Abuse Liability, among others. The aim is to ensure that all aspects of a nonprofit organization are fully protected, especially against risks that could leave these organizations exposed while fulfilling their mission.

General Liability

General Liability insurance is crucial for nonprofit organizations as it helps protect against a wide range of risks associated with their operations. This type of insurance covers a nonprofit organization's liabilities while carrying out its mission, including bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, and other liabilities.

Nonprofit organizations that interact with the public, host events, or provide services to clients should consider carrying General Liability insurance to help protect against the financial risks associated with potential lawsuits or claims.

Commercial Auto

Commercial Auto insurance can be essential for nonprofit organizations that own or lease vehicles for business purposes. This type of insurance provides liability and physical damage coverage for vehicles used primarily for business, such as cars, vans, trucks, and trailers.

Nonprofit organizations that frequently transport volunteers, clients, or equipment may find this coverage particularly beneficial. Commercial Auto insurance can help protect against financial losses from physical damage to vehicles, bodily injury, or property damage incurred during business operations.


Umbrella insurance provides additional liability coverage over standard policy limits and covers claims after the underlying policy limits have been reached, up to the umbrella policy limits.

Nonprofits may face a wide range of risks and liabilities, and having an umbrella policy can help provide additional protection beyond the standard policy limits. This additional coverage can help protect the organization's financial assets in case of a catastrophic loss.

Nonprofit D&O Liability

Nonprofit D&O Liability insurance helps cover defense costs, settlements, and judgments arising from lawsuits, wrongful acts, and allegations against a nonprofit organization.

Nonprofit organizations have to operate under the scrutiny of various stakeholders and regulatory bodies. For this reason, directors, officers, and other leaders must carefully carry out their day-to-day responsibilities, as these could potentially put their assets at risk.

Sexual Abuse Liability

Sexual Abuse Liability insurance is essential for nonprofit organizations working with vulnerable populations, such as children, the elderly, or disabled individuals. This type of insurance protects against claims of sexual abuse against the organization and its employees.

Nonprofit organizations that work with vulnerable populations may face a higher risk of such claims, and having this coverage can help protect against the financial and damage to reputation associated with such claims.

Which businesses need Nonprofit Organization insurance?

Nonprofit Organization insurance is typically recommended for any nonprofit organization, regardless of size or operations. These organizations include charities, educational institutions, religious organizations, foundations, and other nonprofits that rely on the support of donors, volunteers, and other stakeholders to carry out their mission.

Contact an insurance agent for more information.

As with any insurance policy, it's important to work with an insurance professional to assess the specific risks and coverage needs of your nonprofit organization to determine the appropriate level of coverage. Contact us to help you find an insurance agent in your area.

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